Monday, February 8, 2010

Since I changed over to a 5-speed, I needed a 5-speed cross-member to mount the transmission onto.

The 5-speed XM is shorter (1-5/8" vs. 2-13/16" tall) and moves the transmission bolt mounting holes aft (about 11/16").

The tranny mount is in front of the X in the vehicle frame, thus the shorter of the trapezoid sides is aft. Note that the transmission mount is also different for a 4-speed to a 5-speed.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

***2/2/2010 UPDATE
I pulled a couple pics as I am changing the routing of the line through the firewall and the mess attached to the oil filter sandwich plate. I'll update with pics when a replacement fitting arrives and is installed ;-)

Light weight Aluminum air scoop for oil cooler and radiator. Previous one wasn't very good.
Oil cooler (Earls 41010 13Wx2Dx3H, 9-row) attached and fitted with 10AN connections.

End rounded over to minimize abrasion on oil lines (it's a tight fit as you'll see later.

Back side of rounded corner.
Trim added to increase softening of corner.

Oil lines from sandwich platge added.
Accusump placed into passenger side seat well.
One J-clamp in place, but will fab a custom bracket to hold globe valve (heavy).
Radiator boxed in to drive flow.

Oil lines going under frame and into air scoop.
Looking up into the scoop (aka the clag view). Cooler safely tucked in behind the grill vents.

Another clag view.